About This Game World conspiracy or UFO attack? It's up to you to decide what to believe. One of the superpowers is developing the newest modern weapons of the 25th generation. A lot of scattered laboratories are working on this weapon. Many countries were killed by an alien invasion - so they will say in the news. But you and only you know that this is all a conspiracy. You are an adept and a senior officer. You control the newest weapon, you are given an order, to destroy the countries disagreeable to your state. Destroy everything in its path. Let people think that they were attacked by aliens, let them build their armies in defense against aliens and spend huge money to protect their borders. Only your country should become the most powerful. Control the space ship, destroy everything in its path. for start game need move mouse cursor to PLAY button. In Upgrade menu select items for upgrade. After upgrade you spaceship, press PLAY button. WASD - move spaceship, Q and E use alternative weapon, Use MOUSE for sight target. a09c17d780 Title: Project EarthGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:Esbol AmirovPublisher:Vadim AlekseevichRelease Date: 28 Dec, 2017 Project Earth Download For Pc Ocean Of Games project broken earth. project earth corpus christi. project earth starmageddon download. watch last man on earth project free tv. earth project 3d. project earthship. little earth project kiwale. project one life beyond earth keltek. little earth project tripa. earth village project. ck2 middle earth project cheats. project mama earth genre. project earth algae plastic. 3d model earth project sample. earth project 777. earth project noida. earth 3d project model. project earth 2 cities of tomorrow. project mama earth rar. middle earth project paradox forum. earth zoom project. middle earth project download. project earth sweden garbage. earth project ideas. project brutality hell on earth starter pack. earth project 1987. project earth's layers. project middle earth. earth project conference. science project earth layers. science project earth revolving around the sun. project earth science geology answers. project coherence raising the earth's electromagnetic field. project eco earth. project earth science astronomy. project earth nicolas ibarguen. middle earth project ck2 download. project on earth magnetism. project earth pest control. project earth magnetic field. edible earth project ideas. science project earth rotation. 3d earth core project. project earth biogenome. project green earth. save earth project images. project earth pc game. project on earth's magnetic field. 3d earth model school project ideas. project on earth and its neighbours. project about earth. project mama earth joss stone torrent. project earth brenda cooper. project mama earth wiki. project earth music festival. project earth comparisons. project earth rock. project ka hindi earth. project earth gameplay. ck2 middle earth project install. project of earth's atmosphere. planet earth project free tv. project dragonfly earth expeditions. project earth disney. earthquake alarm project report. project earth 2. project in earth science. project earth wrapping greenland. project turntable earth. middle earth project 0.7. earth zoom project file. ck2 middle earth project events. 3d earth layer project ideas. project earth book exchange. project earth chemours. 3d earth layers school project. project earth starmageddon gameplay. project on earth a unique planet. project earth expo. mega earth project kolkata. zeitgeist project earth. project earth competition. project earth dates. project earth movie. project earth. project earth nbg. project google earth. project blue earth. middle earth project 0.8. project earth org. project earth new mills. project earth 7 days to die. earth zoom project after effects. evs project on earthquake. project one life beyond earth download. project save the earth. project earth buxton. project on earth day. project based learning earth day decent game wonder why nobody buys it?. cant finish first stage. Project Earth, developed by Vadim Alekseevich and released on Dec 18, 2017 for the PC platform. According to Metacritic (www.metacritic.com\/game\/pc\/project-earth), it has no reviews at all - as of this writing. While the game description tries to give off a sci-fi "conspiracy theory" element to the background of this game, it just doesn't connect well at all. Once the game is loaded, you find yourself blowing up every vehicles on the screen. With no apparent reasons. Will PE satisfy consumers who are familiar with bullet-hell\/space craft battles\/shoot-em-up type of games? Not wanting to sound too harsh but I feel the product lacks depth and innovation to satisfy consumer.What is PE about?Project Earth, PE in short is a 2D, horizontal, shoot-em-up game. You control this large looking spaceship and battle across 10 levels against what looks like earth's combat vehicles; tanks, anti-aircraft tanks, land to air anti missile tanks, jets, helicopters and a bunch of other vehicles. Your goal is to survive the onslaught. period. Controls, Audio, VisualsControls is a combination of keyboard and mouse. Nothing fancy here, wasd for movement keys, Q and E keys are for special attacks and mouse for aiming and firing.Audio wise, nothing spectacular nor dull. Basic firing and explosion sounds. Visually, apart from the spaceship which looks nearly like a 3D air craft, everything else from background to enemy vehicles are in plain 2d, solid color. The background has gradient color, with a lighter shade of black\/gray for the trees\/objects\/building and the rest of the vehicles: black. I remember the final stage@level 10, the background of the sky has pixelated clouds. =\/ To say "I didn't expect much" from this product, would be a little less deserving \/ lame excuse. I sincerely hope the devs will update the background images with a higer res version of image.The vehicle explosion is 3D looking..so in a way it is a little odd at first when you have explosion that looked realistic with 2D flat black vehicles.Mechanics:PE does give consumer the option to upgrade the spaceship; health, shields, basic cannon weapon, Air wave, land bombardment and blink@teleportation.Very simple upgrade idea - which cost money. Money comes from destroying vehicles. The gameplay pace is slightly fast. Anything slower and this would've killed the adrenaline rush and ended up being a "tame" shoot-em-up version product. It is FUN momentarily when you try to dodge all those freaking missiles\/bullets while attempting to blow everything up with your lasers. but that's just it.There is 1 bug in the game where upon completion of a level, the menu "next\/exit" does not appear. This has been reported in the forums and I hope the dev's will look into it. Aside from that, the game runs perfectly well.My Summary:I personally bought PE for steam achievement purpose. It's not a difficult product and I feel this would be suitable for young children. It is a very short game: 10 levels of blowing things up. No story whatsoever. For more matured gamers\/consumer expecting something more? You would've felt let down as there is no innovation at all. I don't think this product is bad or poorly designed. It certainly isn't fair to be called a "garbage". As an indie company, starting up a product on a small focus scale is definitely the right decision however PE leaves consumer with a bland taste. Maybe because we kept doing the same thing over and over again for 10 levels, we expected something different\/more. That was the disappointment aspect of the product.How would I improve the state of the product? I would: allow consumer to further customize their spaceship:Constitution: More armour makes it move slower. Higher Shields: Takes up more power.Adding booster: Makes the ship move\/maneuver better but takes up more power.Weapon types: Extend the type of weapons for the ship but limited slots.and etc. Story\/narratorI would include a simple animation explaining the scenario and guiding consumer from level to level. Vehicle design\/level re-designI definitely would re-arrange the vehicles based on the levels and not mash them all up across all levels. There's got to be a strategy which the military would deploy. Right?As for levels, I may include obstacles terrain which consumer has to navigate through or a city fight\/air port fight\/sea fight. Something different than just barren land. Mini-boss\/Boss battles.Something to challenge consumer for progression and to reward\/collect parts for the ship. This is where you will force user to redesign their ship\/use different tactics to beat the boss ships. So my final verdict, on the scale of 0 - 10, my personal rating for Project Earth is a rather disappointing futuristic weapon that's only worth 4\/10. Even retro Pacific Wing can offer so much more excitement. Until the base version of the product gets improvement in it's gameplay aspect(s), this title is not only short-lived but can be discarded because it holds no significant value\/replayability value to consumer.[edit1#: formatting typo]. cant finish first stage. decent game wonder why nobody buys it?. It\u2019s ok. Its a little easy at first, but ramps up quick in the mid-game. And if you\u2019re a completest you can over-level as much as you like. Worth your money and \/ or 45+ min: would buy.
Project Earth Download For Pc Ocean Of Games
Updated: Mar 12, 2020